a suggestion for the forums

Jan 10, 2010
Pardon me, but could you please add a forum about zeppelins? For if one were to feel compelled to discuss zeppelins, one would more-definitely than not, enjoy discussing the various aspects of zeppelin. Might I suggest you add some sub-forums of the soon-to-be zeppelin forum as well? These sub-forums could be:
-Zeppelin design, where individuals can discuss engineering zeppelins.

-German use of zeppelins during World War II, where individuals can discuss the Wehrmacht's employment of zeppelins during World War II.

-Post WWII zeppelins, where individuals can discuss modern day uses of zeppelins.

-Zeppelins as light reconnaissance aircraft, where one can discuss the value of using dirigibles to obtain reconnaissance information.

-Ma look I built a zeppelin, where members can post pictures, or even videos, of real-life zeppelins that they built, and share their wonderful zeppelin creations with the world.

-The Hindenburg, where members can discuss the Hindenburg Disaster.
Opena thread in the off Topic thats it
Ah, but zeppelins are an integral part of German history, don't you think it deserves the honor of it's own forum on a German site?
We also don't have WW2 forums you know... Can you guess why? Because we are a board specified in gaming and general off-topic and not zeppelins etc. And I know that you want to build your own zeppelin, but you are too scared for that because you might die in a fiery explosion. But let me encourage you to try it, as your girlfriend will love your big zeppelin. Definetely better than your hotel dinner.
Ein neuer Spam-Tread?^^
Das ist der Kevin, wie ich ihn mag. Keine dummen Reviews von irgendwelchen Scheissspielen, sondern einfach nur Dummschwall. Ah... Ich liebe "es"... :D
Das ist der Kevin, wie ich ihn mag. Keine dummen Reviews von irgendwelchen Scheissspielen, sondern einfach nur Dummschwall. Ah... Ich liebe "es"... :D


tolle idee von kev. - ich dachte mir "was mag da jetzt fürn feedback kommen" , aber nein - er will ein zeppelinunterforum - i lol'd !!
im reallife wurde doch grad n modposten frei... wollt ihr den nicht kevin geben? :lol
nur unter der Bedingung, dass er pro Tag mindestens eins seiner produktiven und geistreichen Topics erstellt!
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