LadderSeason I - Player Interview #6: PrOgAmER

Sep 5, 2006

Die Interviewsreihe neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu, Wir stellen euch heute Nr. 6 der insgesamt 8 Interviews, geführt von LF[Media], vor. Diesmal auch ohne Poserpic! Leider musste auch PrOgAmER in Runde 1 mit einem 0:2 gegen knolz*** das Handtuch werfen.


Dominik “PrOgAmER” Porsche

How do you feel about the group you have been placed in? How does it compare to the other groups?
I’m very happy about my group. All opponents are beatable in group D. All other groups have their favorites, but this group is balanced. I think any player can win group D with good preparation!

Who do you see as your biggest threat in this group?
My biggest threat is sh4rp. He is one of the best players in C&C3 history. Brossea is a good player, too.

How much will you prepare for this tourney?
My preparation for the tourney is very good. I play for a few hours every day to find imba build orders and strategies, but I can’t play all day. Next week I go on vacation for four days. I hope that I am still in good form after vacation.

Can you predict the winners of each group for me?
Khaoz will win group A, Dackel will win group B, Khufu will win group C, and sh4rp will win group D.

And finally, do you plan to participate in ladder season 2?
The first ladder season was very nice, so I will participate in ladder season 2 as well. I give my best for my clan and for the C&C3 community, but I wish to be in better shape for the second ladder season than I have been for the first.
Da war er schon in der Balanced Group und verliert immernoch pfffffff :D

Aber nice Innerview, gj media ^^
Wenn er mit dem Porsche verwandt wäre, wäre er absofort mein bester Freund :D
Kein Poserpic :(
Aber Posername. Man kann nicht beides haben Freezy :).

Ich hab nix davon :(.
:P bei mir gäbs wenn ich ma interviewt würde als Squadleader des monats nen poserpic mit meinem E-bass :)
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