Einheitenvorstellung Sowjets - Kirov


Aug 2, 2002

Unit Spotlight: Kirov Luftschiff

Einheitentyp: Sowjet Zeppelin Bomber


Basic Facts:
  • 800kg Bombe als Primärwaffe
  • Nachbrenner
  • Feuerresistente Hülle

Ausbildungsort: Flugfeld


The unprecedented new Kirov Airship symbolizes the Soviet military's sheer size, strength, steadfastness, and, some might say, its propensity for excess. Named for its maiden launch over Kirov oblast, this dirigible is specially-built for war. A rigid, unbreakable frame and heavy-duty envelope make the massive vessel virtually indestructible, and its oversized cargo hold packs thousands of armor-piercing bombs, while an industrial-strength engine block and maneuver props somehow keep the thing aloft. By contrast with some other more-conventional Soviet forces, no expense was spared in either the design or the manufacture of these flying behemoths. Krasna Aerospace introduced the Kirov into the Union's arsenal only two years ago, and already it has changed the way modern air combat is waged, while silencing critics who once accused Krasna's past success with its Twinblade gunship to be a one-time fluke.

Given its pure role as a heavy bomber, the Kirov's only real shortcoming is its inarguable lack of speed--a problem that is partly resolved by the Kirov's posh living quarters and spectacular panoramic viewports, which let their prestigious pilot-bombardiers blissfully pass the time while their aircraft steadily trudge along toward their unfortunate targets. Along the way, Kirovs are able to simply shrug off most anti-aircraft fire, including attacks from enemy fighters. It is true, though, that Kirovs have no means of retaliating against enemy aircraft, so the Union does tend to send escort fighters of her own to watch over each mighty vessel, just in case. Further, Krasna Aerospace has equipped this year's Kirov models with special fuel injectors that provide the airship with a significant burst of speed, though this is used sparingly for safety reasons.

Of course, the greatest safety concern lies with the Kirov's enemies. Even but one such gigantic vessel has within it the capacity to bring ruin to an entire military installation or enemy armor division. As if this weren't enough, recent reports claim that the Soviet Union is now exploring new ways of mass-producing Kirovs in an offshore plant, while fitting them with even more powerful munitions. Such reports may well be false. For example, there is simply no physical way a Kirov could be built from a Soviet war factory, despite insistent speculation that one of these tank plants--so common on the Soviet front--has within it the capacity to launch aircraft.

Predictably, Kirov Airships are flown only by the most decorated Soviet officers with years of good political standing, who enjoy lavish accommodations and fine dining inside the Kirov's 200-square-meter living quarters. Even so, stories abound about the ruthlessness of Kirov pilot-bombardiers, who--if the psychological profiling is to be believed--are so impatient for combat yet feel so removed from it that they tend to use their bombs with liberal, merciless abandon.


  • unendlich viele Bomben -- Obwohl Kirovs hunderte Passagiere transportieren könnten passt tatsächlich nur keine kleine Besatzung in den Zeppelin, da er mit tausenden Bomben bestückt ist.
  • Nachbrenner -- Als Zweitfähigkeit steht den Kirov Piloten eine giftige Substanz zur Verfügung, die den Kirov schneller macht, wenn sie in die Triebwerke geleitet wird. Diese Substanz zerfrisst jedoch die Struktur des Kirovs von innen, so dass er solange die Fähigkeit aktiviert ist Lebenspunkte verliert.
kompaktes Design -- Die moderaten Dimensionen des V4 erlauben es ihn per Lufttransport schnell auf der Karte zu bewegen, vor allem mit dem starken russischen Twinblade Kampfhubschrauber.

Als Zweitfähigkeit steht den Kirov Piloten eine giftige Substanz zur Verfügung, die den Kirov schneller macht, wenn sie in die Triebwerke geleitet wird. Diese Substanz zerfrisst jedoch die Struktur des Kirovs von innen, so dass er solange die Fähigkeit aktiviert ist Lebenspunkte verliert.

das find ich mal ne gute idee :)
hoffentlich macht das ding auch schaden wenns auf ein Gebäude runterfällt ^^
Hach ist das Ding geil^^ Finds toll, dass es blitzt wenn die Bomben explodieren, gibt dem ganzen noch mehr Kraft^^
7. Will the Kirov airship have a secondary weapon together with its base-breaking gigabomb?

Sort of. In its default state, the Kirov drops standard high-explosive dumb bombs as its primary weapon. However, we’re debating giving most tier-3 units an upgraded primary weapon when they reach heroic status. For the Kirov, this weapon would be a Tesla bomb that can do multiple damage types upon impact. It’s still too early to tell whether or not we’ll implement this functionality, however. Oh, one other thing. When a Kirov is shot down, it becomes a weapon itself, dealing a devastating blow to anything that it crashes into.

Aus dem Q & A 6, also ja, er macht Damage wenn er abstürzt
Meine Lieblingseinheit aus RA2 kehrt zurück. :D
Die dinger machen einfach nur bumms

Irgendwie kommt das alte Feeling zurück. Ich hoffe das Game wird gut und man hat wieder Spass in nem Clan zu zocken. :)
Der Nachbrenner ist mal sehr gut. Das fehlte definitiv immer und in Verbindung mit dem HP Verlust dürfte nicht mal zu heftig seien.
naa ich denke soo schlimm wird das net:)
sonst musso halt n repairdrone mitnehmen, falls es sowas gibt ;)
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